Time in poly life pass damn fast
Another year is going to end
So much to reflect this year
I’m still in a holiday mood
Not ready for training, how? :/
6 December is drawing near
My normal routine will be back
Now still got work
I think I will collapse someday
Just how long more can I take this?
I wonder frequently
This semester like just started
Yet, now is already week 8
7 more weeks and bidding goodbye to year 2
Then is like omg, year 3
Can you believe it’s like just so fast bodoh
Everything passes so fast
It is so fast that I don’t even notice it’s gone
Just vanish in the thin air
But what is it that it’s gone?
Something I feel, but can’t tell what it is
Okay, what am I talking?
AHHHH just fml.
P.S/ I wish that the last month of 2010 will be awesome