Today mark the end of year 2 semester one
I’m over with it
I’m done with java
But not to be happy too soon
In case I’m really that unlucky to repeat module
Oh well, leave to fate
Come across egoh’s blog
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Because I feel the same, I shared the same thought
Things I worry everyday and think about it and feel paranoid
Being big size, being over burnt
People who see me once in a blue moon will say the same old thing
“Wa, how come so black”
“Wa, fit liao sia”
Well, is not I want one right
Some feel that I ask for it, so ask me don’t complain
But how well you understand?
Canoe makes me become no fashion sense
Like what egoh mention,
“No fashion sense because a top + shorts sums up convenience for us after training has already became a habit dress code we have every single day.”
So come to a point when I will tell myself “Got training dress so nice for what”
As time goes by, it become a habit
Oh well, how sad.
No life, no benefits, no CE point, doesn’t help me in graduating, doesn’t produce money, no nice skin, no nice body
So many factors people list out for me and ask me what worth me staying
Honestly, I wondered and I am unsure of it too
Like what egoh says, “Only canoeist will understand”
There is one quotes which says, “If you don’t go all the way, why go at all”
I’m already half way, stayed more than a year
Giving up half way makes me think that whatever sacrifices I’ve made are all wasted
Those insult made my others, those jersey we have earned, those punishment given…
But what I know is I have never regret so far
The hardship will benefits me, will make me stronger
If you are my friend, if you care about me, give me support
Don’t give sarcastic remark and ask me quit
… because this shows that you don’t understand me