Last day of communication lesson
The funniest faci
The most irritating faci
The strictest faci
Everyone is so enthuse is taking pictures
Aww, how sad
Changing class again
Roy Kheng
Forever giving this face
Forever act like a kids
Haha, sure this is our faci not?
Cheryl, Kristle, Lydia
Awww, I'm so gonna miss this two creature the most
Miss how we laugh the whole of first break from W4 to W1
Miss how we gossip on certain people
Miss how we stalk people in class
Miss how we "just chao only"
Ok, i will sure miss you two
She is damn cute i swear
Awww, another one I'm gonna to miss
Ben Miss grouping with him
Cus i confirm get good grade
I will still sent her emo songs
See, faci's idea
Taking picture on the floor
W45p guysW45p girlsw45p, will be remembered