Things happen to see how you deal with it Avoid or face it? Believe or don’t believe? Lie or tell the truth? Accept it or leave it? Sigh* But no matter what I choose Nothing seems a right choice
Sucks, the feeling sucks Right time wrong person Wrong time right person Ouch Been feeling ouch 2009 change my life If only I can undo everything If only So many “if only” then I won’t be in such mess FML Trying to accept with facts and move on
Things happen to see how you deal with it Avoid or face it? Believe or don’t believe? Lie or tell the truth? Accept it or leave it? Sigh* But no matter what I choose Nothing seems a right choice
Sucks, the feeling sucks Right time wrong person Wrong time right person Ouch Been feeling ouch 2009 change my life If only I can undo everything If only So many “if only” then I won’t be in such mess FML Trying to accept with facts and move on